Autism Self-Screening
CATI test
Complete the Comprehensive Autistic Trait Inventory (CATI) here for free, no sign up required
This test is one of the 2 free screening steps, explained in full here. Fill out this test and make note of your score so you can interpret what it means with the instructions on the screening page. The CATI is a newer test that measures a broad range of autistic traits, and it aims to correct some ‘blind spots’ that other common tests (e.g., AQ and BAPQ) have in the various autistic trait dimensions. See here for full details on the research behind this test if interested.
Below is a list of statements relating to various personality traits, behaviours, and characteristics. Using the five response options select the option that best describes you. For items of a social nature, think about situations that do not involve very close friends or family members. Try not to spend too much time thinking about each choice.
Make note of your final score on this test (the CATI) and compare it to the threshold as discussed on the screening page.
This test was created by Michael English et al (2021). See here for details. It was published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format. To view a copy of this licence, go here.