Pay What You Want Store

Items available at 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% off (free!). Pay what you want using these % based promo codes:
25PWYW, 50PWYW, 75PWYW, or 100PWYW

These are digital products for autistic adults, created and maintained by a neurodivergent psychologist. Finding high quality information can be a challenge—these resources provide autistic adults with low-cost, accessible information about mental health from an ND perspective.

Products here have a suggested price, but you can pay what you want! Consider my decade+ of education/experience and the many that I hours spend creating/maintaining these resources. Pay whatever you think is fair and is within your budget; accessibility of information is the priority here. All proceeds go toward subsidizing mental health services for autistic adults.

“Pay What You Want” (PWYW) by using these % based promo codes:
25PWYW, 50PWYW, 75PWYW, or 90PWYW